Bryan Singer Says (Surprise!) Hugh Jackman Is Not In 'X-Men: First Class'

Hey, remember when an off-hand comment on a guy's Facebook page led to the rumor that Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman, would be in X-Men: First Class? That was just yesterday, so hopefully the idea that Wolverine would be in the film hasn't had time to really take hold. Because according to producer Bryan Singer, it isn't true.

The rumor kicked off when a Facebook status message filtered over to CBM. The status update said "I drove Hugh Jackman from X-Men To the Airport this morning. They are filming on Jekyll...Cool guy!"

Bryan Singer was very specific when speaking to the Coventry Telegraph: "He's not in the movie, he's in the Wolverine movies." A Fox spokesman also told the paper, "X-Men hasn't started shooting in Georgia yet and if Hugh was in Georgia, it wasn't for this movie."

The idea that the character would show up didn't make sense, but the X-Men timeline is convoluted enough that the rumor took hold anyway.

The producer also helpfully recapped the ideas behind X-Men: First Class, saying

It takes place in the early 60s and it incorporates some characters I was able to bring back in time that are familiar, as well as some new characters, new mutants... Also, there's a new villain component, a really cool villain and villain group... It's a really cool and fun story. It will be the first Silver Age Marvel movie.

We've set First Class in a time when the X-Men were conceived in the early 60s, up against political events that were happening – the early civil rights movement – and we have these kinds of events at a time when the world didn't know mutants existed.

[via The Playlist]