Jamie Bell Joins 'Man On A Ledge'; Amy Adams May Also Sign On
Director Asger Leth (Ghosts of Cite Soleil) suffered a career setback earlier this year when Universal canceled Cartel, the film he was planning to shoot first with Sean Penn, then with Josh Brolin.
But he's picking up steam now with Man on a Ledge, which has had Sam Worthington attached to star for some time. Yesterday the film added Anthony Mackie, and now Jamie Bell is signing on and Amy Adams may be on board soon. A heist picture with Mackie, Bell and Adams? Let's see it.
Deadline explains a bit more about the story. Worthington is a cop, jailed for a crime he didn't commit. "Let out for his father's funeral, he escapes and ends up on a hotel ledge threatening to kill himself. Bell plays his brother, who happens to be planning a heist of a jewelry store across the street while the cop threatens suicide. Mackie would play the disgraced cop's ex-partner."
There's also a role for a female psychiatrist, which is the one that Adams is reportedly interested in.
The script was written by Pablo Fenjves and is currently being rewritten by pass by Erich and Jon Hoeber, writers of Summit's Red. I love the heist underpinning of this story, and that Jamie Bell will play the character who sets that part of the story in motion. The cop drama aspect isn't as compelling from the perspective we have now, but I'm hoping there's enough connective tissue to keep things interesting. And with this cast, especially if Adams signs on, we could have something solid.