Cool Stuff: Gallery 1988's Crazy 4 Cult 4 Preview #2

If you've been reading /Film for a while, then you know that I love good movie-inspired art. And the superbowl of movie art is Crazy4Cult, an art show put on every year by Gallery 1988 in Los Angeles. This year's show will open on July 9th, and we have seen the first batch of artwork premiere online. For years I've been writing about the show, and posting and buying the art online. I'm super excited because this year I'll be able to attend the event since I now live in Los Angeles.

Last week I posted the first compilation of the artwork from the show, including new pieces from Eric Tan, Dave Perillo, Tom Whalen and more. Click here to see Part 1!

Today I've returned to bring you a collection of art pieces which have since come online. Believe me, if you like movie art, hit the jump!

Scott Campbell's The Great Showdowns

Click over to to see more.

Casey Weldon – The Professional (via: perfectlaughter)

Ken Keirns – Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (via: HiFructose)

Jon Smith – Mallrats (via: perfectlaughter)

Dabs Myla – Reservoir Dogs (via: HiFructose)

Chris B. Murray – Shaun of the Dead

Kiersten Essenpreis – The Goonies (via: perfectlaughter)

Joseph Game, a.k.a Chogrin – Goonies

Shannon Bonatakis – Ghost World

Leontine Greenberg – Wizard of Oz

APAK – Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Tin – Fight Club (via: HiFructose)

Kevin Tong – Rushmore

Yuta Onada – Jaws

Augie Pagan – The Usual Suspects

Scott Belcastro – A Clockwork Orange (via: perfectlaughter)

Jeff Boyes – Point Break (via: HiFructose)

Anne Julie Aubry – A Nightmare Before Christmas

Anne Julie Aubry – Edward Scissorhands

Audrey Pongracz – Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (via: perfectlaughter)

Drake Brodahl – The Princess Bride

Gallery 1988 is located at:

7020 Melrose Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90038

The show happens on Friday Night, July 9th 2010.