Follow Ron Howard And Brian Grazer On Twitter

We don't usually do news posts anymore about filmmakers who have recently joined twitter, as it is such a common thing now-a-days. But I just received an e-mail informing me that Academy Award-winning director Ron Howard and producing partner Brian Grazer have joined the social web. And while their accounts are verified, they don't have more than 190 followers between the two of them.

Follow Ron Howard at @realronhoward, Follow Brian Grazer at @RealBrianGrazer

A lot of filmmakers have their hands tied when it comes to social media, and aren't allowed to tweet much about the production. Even Jon Favreau wasn't allowed to twitpic from the set of Iron Man 2. Ron Howard seems to be above those rules, giving us a behind the scenes look at his latest film Cheaters. Thus far he's been twitpicing photos from preproduction of his 20th feature film, including a look at his notes on the shooting script, a look at the script reading, and even some video from location scouting.

Script Notes:


Script Reading:


Location Scouting: