The Frogumentary: /Film At Walt Disney Animation Studios - The Princess And The Frog And The Return To Hand Drawn Animation
Below the break are the first installments of The Frogumentary, my videoblog from Walt Disney Animation Studios. It takes us behind the scenes of Disney's The Princess and the Frog and the studio's return to hand drawn animation. If you, like me, live in the UK, today's the day the movie opens nationwide for you and, not to put too fine a point on it, I can't really recommend it enough.
You may choose to watch all of the videoblog installments in order, and get an overview of the entire production pipeline for a modern hand-drawn animation movie, or you may choose to watch only the chapters that particularly interest you. After the break are the first two episodes. I hope you'll agree that they push to go places that typical DVD supplements or TV coverage of movies don't.
We're off to a good start, but the best is definitely yet to come. Look out for more installments as we head into the weekend.