Kevin Smith Begins Pitching Hit Somebody To Studios, Warner Bros Gets First Dibs
Kevin Smith has been talking up the hockey drama Hit Somebody as his next project for some time now, and it looks like he's finally begun pitching the film to studios. A few days ago Smith tweeted that he was heading to WB to pitch the film. If they don't bite, surely someone else will — but given how much he's praised WB lately, I'd be surprised if they didn't take it on. Smith seems to have a lot more confidence in this project than he's had in recent years, and I think that's for the better. Just two days before he announced that he was headed to WB, he tweeted the following:
13 years ago today, CHASING AMY had its world premiere @ Sundance97. Been trying to make as good a flick ever since. That'll be HIT SOMEBODY
Count me in as a believer.
[via News Askew]