Lost News: Petition For Disney Attraction, White House Could Derail Season Six Premiere, New Mr. Clucks Commercial Online
Now that we're gearing up for the premiere of the final season of Lost on February 2nd, you can bet that we're going to see an increase in Lost news. Take for example the many Losties who are now petitioning Disney for the show to become an attraction at Disneyland by replacing Tom Sawyer Island. They even have ideas for potential locations to feature, including "The Swan Station and Hatch ride", and Jacob's cabin.
To: Televsion and Disnet Fans, LOST is one of the best television series to ever be broadcast on television. Disney should give this awesome show it's due and create a LOST Island attraction at one of it's Disney theme parks. Just think of the locations that can be immortalized in a Disney location.
How can you argue with that logic, and more importantly, that spelling and grammar? Sign the petition here. Or not, if you value your time on this Earth.
The other big Lost story comes from the White House, of all places. Plans are currently being made for the upcoming State of the Union Address, and one source claims that they're considering the dates January 26th, or February 2nd. Both dates are bad news for American couch potatoes: The January date conflicts with the American Idol premiere, and the February date conflicts with Lost.
Luckily, it seems like nothing is set in stone yet, and the White House will likely choose another date instead of risking the further ire of the American public.
Finally, we have a commercial for the Hugo Reyes owned "Mr. Clucks" restaurant. We saw this clip back at Comic-con, and it still makes me hungry. It may also be subtly hinting at events in season six. That chicken mascot looks shifty — an agent of Ben's perhaps?