Comic Adaptations: Platinum Studios Tackles Nightfall; CW Tries Again With Global Frequency
What if you went to prison, only to discover that the institution was run by vampires? That's the very silly premise behind the graphic novel Nightfall, which is now the target of a film adaptation by Aurora Productions and Nightfall's publisher Platinum Studios. (Someone, please tell me why vampires might run a prison. I'm so curious.) Scott O. Brown and Ferran Xalabarder are behind the graphic novel; no talent is on board the film adaptation yet. Variety reports that this is one more high-concept project to join a couple of other projects Platinum has cooking, like Witchblade and Cowboys & Aliens.
After the break, the resurrection of an unlikely comic-based TV series. Just when you thought Global Frequency had been squelched on television, the signal is coming back again.
This is pretty damn weird. the CW network is going to make a television show based on the Warren Ellis series Global Frequency. The first of the series' twelve issues was once adapted into a pilot intended for the WB network, but the network passed on it and the pilot was eventually leaked. It remains a popular illegal download. Production Weekly mentioned the project via Twitter, and Ellis very shortly confirmed it on his own site, though he says he's not cleared by the studio to do any more than that.
Anyway. Yes. Shouldn't say any more until I get the nod from the studio. But yes.
Global Frequency v1 was scripted by John August; this take will be written by Scott Nimerfro. While the comic series is built from standalone stories about a covert intelligence system that exists to counter various secret government projects, the John August version of the show would have featured a consistent cast of characters. We don't know what the Nimerfro and CW version will do.