Comic-Con Video Blog: Nightmare On Elm Street And Jonah Hex

If there is one thing that this year's Comic-Con is seriously lacking is a reliable internet connection. With the proliferation of  of tech delaptops and internet enabled phones, the amount of people looking for that connection is growing larger and larger. And at an event like Comic-Con that brings 150,000 geeks together, the bandwidth isn't available to accommodate the demand. I mention this because the following video blog was recorded on Friday morning, but I've only had a chance to upload it overnight.

After the Warner Bros panel, I recorded a video blog with Alex from FirstShowing, Vic from Screenrant, Dave and Eve from Geeks of Doom, and Dan Trachtenberg from the Totally Rad Show even makes a brief appearance. We talk about A Nightmare on Elm Street and Jonah Hex, both of which premiered footage during the panel. Watch the video after the jump.

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