Free Advance Screenings Of 500 Days Of Summer

Fox Searchlight will be holding a bunch of advance word of mouth promo screenings for (500) Days of Summer. This is the film I really fell in love with this year at Sundance. The film stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Tom, a hapless greeting card copywriter and hopeless romantic, who is blindsided after his girlfriend Summer (Zooey Deschanel) dumps him, he shifts back and forth through various periods of their 500 days "together" to try to figure out where things went wrong.

Searchlight is holding screenings in New Orleans, Memphis, Denver, Houston, Austin, Kansas City, Cleveland, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, Seattle, San Antonio, Minneapolis and Chicago. Head on over to to RSVP. And remember, an RSVP is not as good as a normal ticket. You need to show up early to ensure you get in.