Serinda Swan To Play A Virtual Temptresses In Tron 2.0
You can add Model/Smallville gueststar Serinda Swan to the cast of Disney's Tron 2.0. When casting for the sequel was first announced, the Hollywood tradepapers claimed that Beau Garrett (Rise of the Silver Surfer, Made of Honor) would play a siren and Olivia Wilde (House, The O.C.) would play a worker in the virtual world who tries to help fight Master Control Program. Later in an interview with Sci-Fi, Wilde claimed that the leaked character description was not that accurate: "I don't know who made it up. Someone's grasping for straws there." But Swan confirms part of the earlier description while talking to TV Guide:
"Yeah. Beau Garrett, these two other actresses and I play temptresses from inside the computer world. We're sort of the main guy's go-to girls. There are lights actually sewn into our wardrobe, so it's like nothing you've seen before!"
I'm not sure what to think of the siren/temptresses part, but it's always interesting to hear about some of the technology they are using to create the film. So far we know that the movie has huge sets and motion capture, incorporating some of the visual effects technology from Benjamin Button, and now... suits with lights sewn into wardrobe (which sounds a little bit like what they did with Dr. Manhattan for Watchmen). Thanks to /Film reader Mark W for the tip.