First Look: David Fincher's The Goon
AICN has a first look at the David Fincher-produced big screen computer animated adaptation of Eric Powell's Dark Horse comic book The Goon. The project was announced during Comic Con, and the animation is being produced by Blur Studios (the same company which is developing the Heavy Metal movie).
Created in 1999, The Goon, "tells the adventures of a muscle-bound brawler who claims to be the primary enforcer for a feared mobster. The Goon and his sidekick Franky often get tied up in other machinations, often in relation to the evil zombie gangs. There is a heavy slant on the paranormal."
I'm still not really clear who is actually directing this movie. Is Fincher directing? Head on over to AICN to see the images in high resolution. I'm actually amazed at the quality, especially considering that Blur Studios has never done an animated feature before (for example, their biggest animated feature film credit involved creating the aniamted effects for the heaven and hell sequences of the South Park movie).