VOTD: Mac Vs. PC - Transformers Style
Inspired by Transformers, this High Definition short film not only gives us a real glimpse into the real world of home computers, but also attempts to settle the ultimate debate: what is better – Mac or PC. Ignore the questionable acting, the visual effects by digital compositor Nick Greenlee make this worth watching. Utilizing everything from motion capture animation and HDRI, to massive amounts of tacking and 3D compositing (which can be seen in almost every shot), this short won Best Compositing at Artimation 2008. Watch it in High Definition on nickgreenlee.com.
[flv:http://bitcast-a.bitgravity.com/slashfilm/trailers/macvspctransformers.flv 470 264]
Video of the Day is a daily feature of /Film showcasing geekarific video creations. Have a video we should be feature on VOTD? E-Mail us at orfilms@gmail.com.
via: thedw