Marvel Studios Too Cheap To Pay Jon Favreau For Iron Man 2?
UPDATE 06/11/08: Let's just say that if you want Fav aboard for Iron Man 2, umm, it's a good time to let Marvel know.
And everything was going so well! Today, Peter reported on director Jon Favreau's moderately disconcerting statement to fans regarding Marvel Studios' proposed 2010 release date for Iron Man 2. In summary: Sounds like a rush-job, there's no script, and like a shady GF/BF in the summer Marvel hasn't called him in weeks! We haven't speculated on the reasons for why Fav is not yet signed for a sequel, but after consulting with inside sources IESB just called out the studio for being cheap (and crazy).
"So bottom line, Jon Favreau has not been locked in to direct Iron Man 2 for the simple reason that Marvel is being cheap – this is 100% accurate folks, no bullshit."
Bold statement. Their latest source (who is said to work for Marvel) says that Marvel Studios Chairman, David Maisel, believes that a sequel to the smash hit (and top 3 comic book movie all time imo) will be a huge success with another director, no big deal. Fav asking for the world (and all its sushi and eight Jacuzzi limos)? Apparently not, he just wants a reasonable "bump" in his paycheck, the "regular standard director's fee."It's well known that Fav, coming off the disappointment of the big budget Zathura, didn't receive major moolah for the first film, so a bump would be common sense and totally warranted in most eyes.
It's too early and the info is too vague to send the Net's dark fanboy cloud to hover over Marvel, but Fav continues to go public, thereby sending out code to the studio, with his feelings about the situation. There's already pro-Fav thunder in the Slashfilm comments. Marvel announced the release date for the sequel without consulting him, and they also revealed their intricate plans for The Avengers, a flick that Fav had expressed interest in directing, without his knowledge as well. One of the many enjoyable aspects of Iron Man was that it felt effortless, and the tonal balance—light but badass to speak plebe—was perfect. When one thinks Marvel Studios, one instantly thinks quality/summer fun because of Fav's vision and labor. Why go against the grain? More as it develops...
Discuss: Who do you side with (we know, it's rhetorical)?