Cool Stuff: Seagalogy: A Study Of The Ass-Kicking Films Of Steven Seagal
No, I haven't read this book (although I plan to), but the title was enough to land this paperback a spot in our daily Cool Stuff. Seagalogy: A Study of the Ass-Kicking Films of Steven Seagal is a new 352 page book from AICN film critic Vern.
The cover describes the book as "an in-depth study of the world's only aikido instructor turned movie star/director/writer/blues guitarist/energy drink inventor – the ass-kicking auteur Steven Seagal. From Above the Law to his Mountain Dew commercials, his entire career is covered in Vern's inimitable style." As Vern himself puts it, Seagalogy is "a book that will shake the very foundations of film criticism, break their wrists and then throw them through a window."
Available in book stores on May 20th 2008 for $14.95 or for preorder on for $10.46.
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