Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Will Be Back For A Second Season
Great News for television geeks: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles will be getting an second season after all. According to TV Guide, Fox informed the cast and crew on Saturday night of the renewal.
Update: Fox Entertainment President Kevin Reilly apparently made a comment earlier this week calling Terminator one of the "lead candidates" for renewal, and confirmed the fact they've "already started staffing on Sarah Connor. Reilly admitted that "it was an unusual season" but Sarah Connor "will end up finishing by far and away the strongest new drama of the season" while "other shows have not gotten the traction."
Despite generally positive reviews from mainstream press, the show suffered a ratings drop from a 11.11 for the series premiere, 6.2 for the second episode, to a 5.0 for the season finale (which was actually up 0.6 points from two episodes prior). Most viewers agree that the show improved in the later episodes (which might explain the rating bump late into the season), with the introduction of Derek Thomas Reese, a Resistance fighter and the older brother of Kyle Reese, who was sent back in time by John Connor. Some fans were worried that Fox might pull the plug as the network has a history of being trigger happy.