Michael Chabon's Unused Script For Spider-Man 2 Goes Online (Grab It Quick)
For those who thought my asinine TWBB rant was insanely lowbrow, here's a bit of high brow genre fare to level out the horror. Toasted author Michael Chabon's unused screenplay for Spider-Man 2 is now online over at McSweeney's as a PDF. Grab it here, and do so quick because the site says it will only be up for a short duration. You may recall that Chabon received a writing credit on the second and top Spider-Man film, but his screenplay has never been made public until now. Good deal.
Discuss: Peter and I haven't had a chance to read it, but if you're playing hookie, don't feel like working or simply don't "get" the job thing, write a mini-review of the script in the comments! Appreciated.