Cool Stuff: Star Wars Last Supper Mosaic
Avinash Arora spent two weeks programming his own algorithm and tinkering to create this six foot Star Wars Last Supper Mosaic. Every single image from the mosaic is extracted from all six of the movies, the total collection is approximately 69 thousand images, or about 1 every 20 frames in the entire series. Arora explains:
"Yeah, there are mosaic maker programs out there, and that's how I started. I used a program that does it for you, didn't like the way it was turning out, and couldn't process large files. I 'hacked' the program and wrote in my own algorithm, which is a slightly modified version of theirs and requires a really...REALLY powerful computer to compute. since mine's just above average it took a long time for the initial composition. Then about 6 compositions later I started working on it manually. By rough estimation, i'd say I replaced about 1200-1500 images manually (cut/crop, etc.) and it improved the image DRASTICALLY. For this reason there are likely to be doubles, but I tried to avoid it. I also did a lot of color touching up, I made some frames black and white instead of color because I thought it fit better (like on the table, which is supposed to be all white, but there are only so many hoth scenes). I had the most trouble with the windows in the back, but I just did a lot of color editing and subtle changes to pull it all together. It was a really long project, and I couldn't do anything while working on it because it was such a gigantic file, my computer would crash if I tried opening winamp or something. The flattened raw file for the full size image is 2 GB."
To give you an idea of how detailed this mosaic is, click on the image below.
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