Casting: Jim Sturgess As Spider-Man? Evan Rachel Wood As Mary Jane?
Earlier this year Julie Taymor (The Lion King) announced plans to direct a Broadway musical based on Spider-Man. With Across The Universe now behind her, the casting process is upcoming. Taymor told The Daily Mail that she hopes to reteam with her Across The Universe cast for the stage project. Apparently Taymor would like to cast Jim Sturgess as Peter Parker aka Spider-Man and Evan Rachel Wood as Mary Jane Watson.
"There, I've said it. Now I have to go through a web to get them," Taymor said, adding: "Jim's certainly interested, but his film career has taken off, so I have to nab him between movies. Same with Evan. They'd be my ideal pairing, though, if they're free."
Wood and Sturgess are such perfect, yet different, choices for the stage adaptation. But forget about a musical, why not have Wood and Sturgess in Spider-Man 4? It looks like Tobey, Kirsten and Sam won't be returning for a fourth Spider-man film (of course, this all could change). Am I crazy for suggesting the idea? Who would you cast in a Spider-Man musical? Or Spider-Man 4 for that matter?