Photos: New Gerard Butler Movie Destroys Downtown Albuquerque
A couple weeks back I got the chance to visit the set of the new Gerard Butler video game sci-fi action movie codenamed Game (it will have a different title when it hits theaters). I saw some very cool things (watch out for my report later this week) but photography was not allowed. A few days prior (and a few days after), the crew shot some battle sequences in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico, and a few photographers were able to catch a few of the explosions and destroyed cars (but no Gerry). Check out some of the spoiler free photos after the jump thanks to Sarah Wolf, Adam Wolf and oldnatural.
The following photos were taken on November 17th by oldnatural:
Adam Wolf shot some of the most interesting photos from a downtown shoot on November 10th. Check them out on
Sarah Wolf has move views of the explosion on that day.