Writer's Strike: Heroes Prepares Early Season Finale
A couple days ago we reported that NBC was delaying (read: canceling) the Heroes spin-off Heroes: Origins, likely due to the upcoming Writes Guild Strike.
Now that the WGA have officially announced that a strike will begin this Monday, we have more bad news for fans of the superhero television series. TV Guide is reporting that the second season of Heroes may be end much sooner than expected. Apparently, sources claim that the show is shooting an alternative ending which could serve as the season finale on the December 3rd episode. Originally the episode was to serve as the conclusion of the current "Generations" story arc.
IGN writes:
"This gave the show a better place than most to prematurely end the season, as it least was intended as the culmination of several current plotlines. While more episodes have been shot beyond that, they would likely simply be held for whenever the show goes back into production, so that the next storyline doesn't have to be interrupted in the middle."
If the Writers Guild Strike is somehow averted, the alternative footage will not air, and the series will continue into the next "volume" (aka story arc).