Carnahan Wants You To Read His Screenplays: White Jazz And Killing Pablo
Earlier today we told you that Joe Carnahan was considering shooting Killing Pablo before White Jazz. He's now asking the help of his blog readers to help him make a decision. And in an unprecedented move, he has publicly published both scripts online for you to help him make a decision.
Is he crazy? Well yes, but we already knew that. I've always assumed that leaking scripts onto the internet during preproduction was a very bad thing. Won't Warner and Yari be angry that he just uploaded the script to two upcoming greenlit projects? But now that I think of it, exactly how many people are going to read these anyways? Spoilers won't keep people from buying a ticket, because after all, they are both based on high profile books. I'm not sure if I clearly understand Joe's motives in this move, but I'm with him 100%.
Click on the links below to read the scripts. Tell Joe what you think here.
Update: Joe was asked by his management to remove the scripts from the website.
"I've also taken the scripts off the site so for those of you that grabbed it beforehand, bully to you. I still might be able to put them back up in the next few days."