Superman Screenwriters Not Returning For Sequel
Superman Returns screenwriters Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris have opted not to come back and pen a sequel, according to Variety. What does this mean about the future of Superman? Will Bryan Singer soon depart from the project? The duo also worked with Singer on X2: X-Men United, and Trick 'r Treat (which Brian produced). I wouldn't be surprised to hear later this week/month that Singer has also left the project. The writing already seems to be on the walls.
Warner Bros is now taking story pitches for Man of Steel. This is very interesting since it was always assumed that script, or at least treatment had been laid out. Months before going into production on Valkyrie, Singer's camp had made some public comments about how well the preproduction on a Man of Steel was going. But now things have dramatically changed. I wonder if the studio was unhappy with Dougherty and Harris' take on Man of Steel? They clearly were not happy with Superman Returns. A lot of fans were unhappy with Singer's film, primarily due to it's lack of action, casting decisions and the Superkid storyline.
Many people around Hollywood believe that the studio would like to "start fresh with a new take on the Man of Steel, as if the previous pic never happened." Some rumors claim that the studio is interesting in replacing Returns star Brandon Routh and pulling a reboot/remake, much like Universal are doing with The Incredible Hulk.
Update: Comic Book writer Mark Millar has announced that he will pitch for the Superman sequel.
I think this is a huge mistake. If one thing Superman Returns was good for, it was as a set-up for future films. I do agree with many fans that the "superkid" storyline should have never happened. But I believe clever storytelling could not only fix this, but could propell the series in a wonderful new direction. One problem I've always had with Superman is that he is invincible and unstoppable. If Superkid were to suffer a fatal injury (how? that isn't for me to decide) early into Man of Steel, this could set up a new more vulnerable Superman and a story of revenge.
But Warner Bros is denying reboot plans despite the Hollywood rumors, and the studio insists that Brandon Routh will likely return as the Man of Steel.
So let's hear your pitch! If you were going to write the Superman Sequel, what would happen?