Chris Pine CONFIRMED As Kirk In Star Trek
Chris Pine has dropped out of playing Junior Stemmons in Joe Carnahan's White Jazz, which means he's 100% confirmed to play Kirk in JJ Abrams' Star Trek. I know, I know, we already had a Carnahan story earlier today, but this is some breaking news as Pine was undecided when the news broke a couple days back that he was Abrams final choice for the role of Kirk.
"I've been talking to him this past week and knew how tough the decision had to be for him," Caranahan wrote on his blog. "I don't envy ever being in that spot but I gave him my full support, even if it meant he didn't do JAZZ. I get it. You don't get opportunities like that often and I told him as long as he could control as much of that process as possible and not get sucked into doing lesser sequels as a result of taking this gig, then good luck and God bless."
Carnahan has promised a role to Pine in Killing Pablo, his Pablo Escobar biopic which is set to go into production June 2008. I still don't think that Pine can fill Shatner's shoes, but I sure hope that Abrams knows what he's doing. Because I, like most everyone else who cares about this franchise is starting to get a bit nervous about these casting decisions.