John August Updates The Nines
Screenwriter turned director John August has posted an update about one of my favorite films from this year's Sundance Film Festival (Review). The Nines was chosen to play the Venice Film Festival as part of Critics' Week, which takes place the first week of September. The film will be released in limited US markets ("New York and Los Angeles and maybe one other city") on August 31st. ("No, I don't know when we'll be playing in Omaha. Or if we'll be playing in Omaha. Ditto for Argentina.") The movie trailer is cut and will be showing up within the next week, likely with he official movie website. The film has not been changed since its Sundance premiere and has been Rated R ("Presumably for language"). The movie will be on 35mm in some theatres, digital in others. I can't wait for others to see this film and be confused and amazed.