Early SuperBad Buzz And Black Curtain Screenings
It seems likely that Judd Apatow is the second coming of [insert name of insanely funny legendary comic genius here]. His next film (as a producer, at least) is SuperBad, which hits theaters on August 17th. The film is already getting exceptional buzz.
Jeff Wells says it's "the funniest, most cleverly written youth comedy in I-don't-know- how-many-years. It's going to be a huge money machine". That's not all, he also writes that "it's a better teen-sex film — funnier, wilder, more truthful even– than The 40 Year-Old Virgin or Knocked Up are in their respective realms." Wow, sounds like he drank the kool aid. (Mmm kool aid)
Good news is that if you live near Anaheim, Atlanta or Washington, CA, you can catch this film a month early on July 17th (that's next week!). Just befriend the Black Curtain Screening profile on MySpace. You know the deal, print out your profile proof, get there extra early, and be over 17 years old. Details at this link.