The Real Movie Critics LOVE Spider-Man 3
Last night the first two reviews of Spider-Man 3 were leaked onto the internet. Now, the first REAL movie critics have seen the movie and have started talking. Tokyo film journalists were shown the movie a day before the movie makes it's Tokyo premiere. Sophia Hardach at Reuters gives us the first two quotes from real live talking and breathing movie critics.
"To see Spider-Man cry so much was different. It's more intense — you still have great action but certainly it's the deepest of the three. Kids and adults will learn so much more from this than from a movie that's just wham-shezam." – Gerry Penacoli, Extra Entertainment Magazine
"It's better than 'Spider-Man 2'. He's more human, there's more tension between Peter Parker and his Spider-Man character. The story is better, more psychological. And Japanese people like animation, so they like this story because of the comic." – Kumiko Hayashida, Online Film Critic
Two real critics, two scooper reviews. Four reviews total, all extremely positive. Spider-Man 3 hits the States on May 4th 2007.