Lady Gaga Loved The Paradoxical Nature Of Working With Ridley Scott

Lady Gaga took her "House of Gucci" role very seriously: the singer-actress spoke in an Italian accent for months, refusing to break character, and went above and beyond to bring Patrizia Reggiani to life. The actress disappeared into the role, sinking right in to bring to life one of the biggest scandals in fashion history. Gaga went to great lengths to get into the headspace of the wealthy, affluent socialite who ordered a hitman to murder her husband. 

"House of Gucci," tells the story behind a real-life murder and is helmed by Ridley Scott, the visionary behind science fiction films such as" The Martian," "Blade Runner," and "Alien," and Gaga thoroughly enjoyed the paradoxical nature of working with him.

Lady Gaga hasn't met anyone like Ridley Scott

Anyone who is familiar with Ridley Scott's 45-year-long career knows that the director is profoundly well-versed in filmmaking. When Lady Gaga signed her first film with Scott, she had to navigate painful personal experiences to channel Patrizia Reggiani in her performance. Fortunately, Gaga had nothing to worry about: Scott was a meticulous filmmaker who allowed his actors the freedom to "fly," the actress said.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Lady Gaga shared her experience working with Scott. The "American Horror Story" actor said that she had never met anyone as "precise" as her director, especially "from an artistic perspective." The Oscar-winning singer further explained that the director's thorough attention to detail never meant that he was "rigid" with his actors. The filmmaker offered the actress plenty of freedom to bring her perspective to the role, and she credited him for being adaptable with the actors. Gaga evidently had a lot to offer to the role, and was given a space to fulfill that goal. As she put it, "But I never once felt any rigidity from him. He's incredibly adaptive and malleable." 

Gaga's portrayal of Patrizia Reggiani received mixed reactions from fans and critics alike. While some presumed the actor's nearly indecipherable accent was more Dracula-sounding than the necessary Italian, many settled that she fulfilled her role in headlining Ridley Scott's murderous saga that depicted one of the most high-profile public murder trials of all time.