This Was The Better Call Saul Episode Bob Odenkirk Was Shooting When He Had His Heart Attack

I remember exactly where I was when I first heard that Bob Odenkirk had suffered a heart attack while filming the last season of "Better Call Saul," and I presume that other people feel the same way. It was one of those rare moments where seemingly everyone on the internet banded together and hoped for the best. Seriously, those couple of days where his condition was still undisclosed showcased a type of unity that probably won't be shown again for a very long time.

Thankfully, of course, Odenkirk was able to recover from the incident, going back to finish filming the show that's earned him five Emmy nominations. Now, with the final episodes of "Better Call Saul" airing, we now know which one the actor had his heart attack during. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, he revealed that it was during arguably one of the most pivotal episodes in the show's history; "Point and Shoot," the sixth season's midseason premiere.

"If you're looking to compare a human being pre-and post-heart attack," he told the website, "you'll want to look at the scene with Kim (Rhea Seehorn) and Jimmy, when Lalo (Tony Dalton) was talking to them about the plan."

Living life to the fullest

Obviously, surviving a heart attack can affect a person both physically and emotionally. After all, not everyone that experiences one is able to survive, and that's a terrifyingly real possibility. Those who do live to see another day still require a lot of rehabilitation and healing, which is why Odenkirk took five weeks off before returning to finish the season. Now almost a year since the medical emergency, he says that his survival has helped him to appreciate life a lot more.

"I think about it all the time," Odenkirk explained. "I think about what matters to me and how to live my life and make the most of it and value each day the most."

He also took the time to highlight the show's production team, which he says was shaken up by the heart attack and subsequently relieved at his recovery.

"Everyone was very emotional and sweet and kind — and a little too concerned," he joked. "Very worried about everything that I did... It was kind of funny and sweet and touching. And you could see it in everyone's eyes. They were all looking at me like, 'Is he really okay? Is he going to be all right?' And the truth was, I was still recuperating. My stamina came back a little more every week."

To learn more about how to spot and recover from a heart attack, visit the American Heart Association's website.