Water Cooler: Eurovision, Unsolved Mysteries, Hamilton, Gladiator, Do The Right Thing, Extraction, Black Cauldron, Restaurant: Impossible, Into The Unknown, Schitt's Creek, Central Park,
Water Cooler: Eurovision, Unsolved Mysteries, Hamilton, Gladiator, Do The Right Thing, Extraction, Black Cauldron, Restaurant: Impossible, Into The Unknown, Schitt's Creek, Central Park,
On the July 3, 2020 episode of /Film Daily,/Film editor-in-chiefPeter Scirettais joined by /Film managing editorJacob Hall, weekend editorBrad Oman, senior writerBen Pearsonand writerChris Evangelistato discuss what they've been up to at the Water Cooler.
Opening Banter: HT isn't here today.AtThe Water Cooler:
What we've beenDoing:
Chris released a newbonus episodeof 21st Century Spielberg.
What we've beenReading:
Jacob has been playing catch-up with comics and has some recommendations:Curse WordsandUndiscovered Country.
What we've beenWatching:
Chris, Brad, and Ben watchedEurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga
Peter watchedInto The Unknownon Disney+, a few episodes ofCentral Parkon AppleTV,The Princess and the Frog, and the first couple episodes of the newUnsolved Mysterieson Netflix.
Brad watchedExtraction, Somebody Feed Phil, rewatchedGrumpy Old Men
Jacob watchedRestaurant: Impossible,Taste the Nation,Yummy,The Darkness,Trick, and startedSchitt's Creek.
Chris watchedGladiator.
Ben watchedDo The Right Thing,The Phantom of the Opera,Hamilton, andThe Black Cauldron.
What we've beenEating:
Brad triedStarburst Fruit By the Foot, Mrs. Freshley's New Reese's, Hershey'sandOreo Cupcakes,Frosted Flakes and Froot Loops Mash-Up Cereal, andPepsi with a Splash of Pineapple Juice.
What we've beenPlaying:
Jacob has been learning theAlienRPG and he's eager to try outThousand Year Old Vampire.
Brad playedDonut County
All the other stuff you need to know:
You can find more about all the stories we mentioned on today's show at slashfilm.com, and linked inside the show notes.
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