Deadpool - What Did You Think? (Share Your Video Review)
It's kind of a miracle that Deadpool even exists, after its titular character was nearly ruined by X-Men Origins: Wolverine. But this weekend, fans will finally have another chance to check out this Marvel Comics creation in an incarnation that's much closer to the spirit of the original character.
Fox basically cut the budget of this film down to the bone, but despite this, I found the film to be a blast. Did it work for you? Was the plot too thin or just right? Did Deadpool's schtick wear you out? Did the new X-Men characters make an impression?
See my video review after the jump, and this week, you can submit your own using a new video platform called Jogg (Disclosure: I'm a consultant for them). Just hit the "Reply" button below and upload a video from the web or mobile – we'll publish our favorites.