Video: Every Reference In 'The Cabin In The Woods'

Ask any horror fan worth their weight in blood and they'll say The Cabin in the Woods is one of the best horror films in the past few years. That's mostly because it's not only a horror movie. It's a satire, a comedy, a mystery and a sci-fi action film all rolled into one. Written by Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard, The Cabin in the Woods is a film that lives and dies on not only the audience's knowledge of horror films, but each character's knowledge as well.

A new video has been posted online that breaks that statement down. It attempts, and admittedly comes close, to calling out every single reference in The Cabin in the Woods. Check out The Cabin in the Woods references video below.

Thanks to GoodBadFlicks for the great Cabin in the Woods references video. Did you pick up on all of these?

The Cabin in the Woods References Revealed