Google Glass Banned From Movie Theaters

Google Glass is going the way of cell phones, at least in the movie theater. The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) announced today that they have officially taken a hardline stance against Google Glass. The reason? Potential piracy, of course. Hit the jump for more details on the movie theater Google Glass ban.

Though the no-Glass policy is only official as of today, various theaters have already taken a stand against such devices. Earlier this year, a man who had prescription lenses in his Google Glass was pulled out of a screening of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit at an AMC in Ohio. Department of Homeland Security agents detained him for hours before determining he had not been recording the movie. The MPAA eventually apologized.

Less dramatically, the famously strict Alamo Drafthouse announced this summer that it was banning Google Glass from its showings. While moviegoers are allowed to take their devices into the theater, they must be switched off and stashed once the lights dim for the show. CEO Tim League acknowledged at the time that the Drafthouse rules could evolve with the times, and no doubt the same will be true for NATO and the MPAA. But for now, you may be better off leaving Glass at home if you're heading to the movies.