Superhero Bits: Gotham, Captain America The Winter Soldier, Marvel Universe Live, Disney Infinity, Batman V Superman
Who has been cast in the traveling show Marvel Universe Live? Want your best look yet at the LexCorp building in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice? Which company is going to be making DC Comics toys for years to come? Is Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes actually fun? Did a man figure out how to make a street legal Batmobile? Why is Captain America perfect? Read about all this and more in today's Superhero Bits.
Marvel Universe Live just announced their full cast list including this video.
The best look yet at the LexCorp building from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice via Comic Book Movie.
New photo of Gotham, as Ben McKenzie speaks to EW about the show.
Mattel signed an exclusive deal to make DC Comics toys for the next several years, via Variety.
Scarecrow is no joke in Batman: Arkham Knight.
Superhero Hype has a good writeup of the E3 version of Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes.
Several cool Iron Man 2 fan posters by Orlando Arocena.
The Daily Mail (via CBM) posted a story on an Australian man that created a street legal Batmobile.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over TWO pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.
This video is called Wolverine Cat: Troll Hunter and speaks for itself. There are more here.
The Playlist ranks all the Marvel movies from best to worst.
All over 1966 Batman and Robin shirts are available and AWESOME. Head to Geek Alerts.
Pajiba tries to figure out the next five directors Marvel Studios will hire.Captain: The Plastic Soldier t-shirt via Shirtoid.
Fun comic on why Captain America is perfect via Dorkly.
We're going a bit back into our archives today for Superhero Bits and came upon friend of /Film Daniele Rizzo's funny interviews for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Check them out.
The 12 weirdest comic book cross overs of all time.