Superhero Bits: Batman V Superman, Netflix, Lego Batman 3, X-Men Days Of Future Past, Grey Hulk

Want to exclusively see more of this new Hulk poster by Dave Perillo? Should Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice be considered a Man of Steel sequel? How did they make that amazing Quicksilver scene in X-Men: Days of Future Past? Does Clark Gregg think he'll appear on the Marvel Netflix shows? What is Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham? Does The Wolverine post credit scene fit with X-Men: Days of Future Past? Who was the actor at the end of the credits in that film? Why is Patton Oswalt defending General Zod? Read about all this and more in today's Superhero Bits.

Here's our exclusive debut of two new Incredible Hulk prints by Dave Perillo released by Acme Archives. They go on sale May 30 at The green is the regular edition of 250 and grey is variant edition of 62. It's 12 x 24 inches.

On his podcast, via Comic Book, Kevin Smith talked about how Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice isn't really a Man of Steel sequel anymore. It's more a table setter for a huge Justice League universe.

sam gilbey X-men

Artist Sam Gilbey did this awesome infographic about X-Men Days of Future Past for Virgin Media.

Speaking to MoviePilot, Clark Gregg says he hopes he get to appear in the Marvel Netflix shows.

Quicksilver previzFX Guide has an awesome article on X-Men: Days of Future Past including how the Quicksilver scene was made (above).

Speaking of Quicksilver, Evan Peters talked to the Hollywood Reporter about the scene in the film.

Check out the trailer announcing Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.

The Playlist explores how the post-credits scene in The Wolverine doesn't quite fit with X-Men Days of Future Past.

Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over TWO pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.

Sideshow Grey HulkSideshow is releasing this insane Grey Hulk premium format figure.MTV has revealed the main actor in the post-credits scene for X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Hilarious X-Men image.

Speaking to (via CBM), Stan Lee explained why he doesn't have a cameo in X-Men: Days of Future Past.

Patton Oswalt defends General Zod in this Nerdist video.

Over the four day weekend, X-Men Days of Future Past cracked $110 million.

Groot Mask

A Guardians of the Galaxy fan made this amazing Groot mask.

A bunch of X-Men comics, including Age of Apocalypse, are on sale in the Marvel digital store until end of day Tuesday.