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'Amazing Spider-Man 2' Blu-Ray Set Puts Electro's Head On Your Movie Shelf

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 finally opens in the U.S. this week and it'll have a wide spread of fans and detractors. Some people are going to absolutely adore the beautifully rendered action sequences and character interactions while others are going to hate the bloated plot and tired exposition. The same can't be said for an eventual Blu-ray collector's set for the film, for which we have an early look today. This is a badly rendered, hilariously cheesy bust of Jamie Foxx's Electro, with three discs in his neck. Fans who like the movie and might want to buy The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Blu-ray will probably not like the look of this set. Check out the images below.

Thanks to Amazon for these images.

That's just terrible but I fear I could never be as funny about it as Amazon reviewer Buffaluffasaurus, who wrote the following 5 star review of this pre-order:

For years, I have longed for a DVD case that didn't just scream "practical." I wanted a case that was unique, unreasonably space-occupying, and could handily double as the finishing touch to my wedding cake. At last, I have found such a case!

My fiancé originally balked when I told her I was pre-purchasing the Blu-ray sequel to a wholly unnecessary reboot of a 10 year-old film sight unseen, but when I carefully explained to her it came ensconced in the veiny blue noggin of one-time Oscar winner and rap impressario Jamie Foxx, she seemed to slowly come around to the idea... if her exaggerated eye-roll and exasperated, whole-body sigh was as ironic as I'm assuming it was.

So now that beautifully crooked smile and 1,000 yard stare will forever command a welcome place in the living space of our home, and will handed down for generations within our family bloodline, along with the 5-disc special edition of 'Philomena' encased in a rubbery bust of Judi Dench, and the 'Mars Needs Moms' limited edition Blu-ray presented in the form of a threatening debt collector's final notice.

That makes me laugh.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 opens May 2 here in the U.S.