Read 13-Year-Old Darren Aronofsky's 'Noah' Poem Which Inspired The Movie

Darren Aronofsky's idea for Noah originated when he was just 13-years-old, with a poem that won a United Nations poetry competition at his Manhattan Beach, Brooklyn school. Darren Aronofsky's Noah poem was about the end of the world as seen through Noah's eyes. Aronofsky got the idea to adapt the tale into a movie after visiting a museum exhibit while he was developing his first feature film Pi. But it wasn't until creative differences split The Fountain star Brad Pitt weeks before shooting that Aronofsky first dabbled with the Noah story in screenplay form.

We learned all this information when I chatted with Aronofsky in 2006 — that is how long it has taken the filmmaker to secure an estimated $140 million in financing to bring the tale to the big screen. After the jump you can read 13-years-old Darren Aronofsky's Noah poem, which ended up inspiring the movie.

Variety found Darren Aronofsky's Noah poem from 1982:

Darren Aronofsky's Noah poem titled "The Dove"

The Dove

A Poem by Darren Aronofsky

January 13, 1982

Evil was in the world

The laughing crowd

Left the foolish man at his ark

Filled with animals

When the rain began to fall

It was hopeless

The man could not take the evil crowd with him

But he was allowed to bring his good family.

The rain continued through the night

And the cries of screaming men filled the air

The ark was afloat

Until the dove returned with the leaf

Evil still existed.

When the rainbows reached throughout the sky

The humble man and his family knew what it meant

The animals ran and flew freely with their newborn

The fog rose and the sun shone

Peace was in the air

And it soon appeared in all of man's heart.

He knew evil would not be kept away

For evil and war could not be destroyed

But neither was it possible to destroy peace

Evil is hard to end and peace is hard to begin

But the rainbow and the dove will always live

Within every man's heart.