Superhero Bits: Amazing Spider-Man 2, X-Men: Apocalypse, Arrow, Thor, Dark Knight Rises, Kick-Ass 2
What secrets are buried on the Amazing Spider-Man 2 website? Did the Internet know about X-Men: Apocalypse back in July? How much did the Flash help Arrow's ratings? Want to see some extended scenes from Kick-Ass 2? Which Thor jokes does Chris Hemsworth hear most often? Where can you see Thor: The Dark World villain Malekith take on Iron Man? Read about all this and more in today's Superhero Bits.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 website launched with some new images and teases of the score.
The debut of Barry Allen, The Flash, on Arrow gave the show its biggest ratings of the season.
Comic Book Movie linked to a bunch of extended scenes from Kick-Ass 2.Bludhaven banter (via CBM) has some character descriptions from the Flash pilot.DeviantARTist 3ftdeep reimagines superhero logos as neon signs, via Geekologie.
Two of the year's big superhero movies are eligible for a Visual Effects Oscar. Which one is missing?
Though it wasn't official until today, Unleash the Fanboy teased fans saying Apocalypse was coming to the X-Men universe back in July.
Deadline writes about a new Spider-man rights lawsuit.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over TWO pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.
Artist Kerry Dyer did these unique custom Avengers figures.
HitFix has some thoughts on how DC and Warner Bros. can figure out their problems with movies.
Playing a little bit of catch up today, so this Conan video of Chris Hemsworth telling hacky Thor jokes is fun.
Interesting article on The Week about how some of David Goyer's potential superhero films will add diversity to the genre.
Malekith, the bad guy of Thor: The Dark World will tussle with Iron Man in 2014. In the comic books.Movieweb has six things they're looking forward to in The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
Artist Doaly (via Blurppy) has made some simple but cool posters for The Dark Knight Trilogy.
Wired has a video feature called "Angry Nerd" where they they discuss Ben Affleck playing Batman. Thoughts?