Cool Stuff: 'Alien' Poster By Mondo And Randy Ortiz
In recent months, Mondo struck a deal with 20th Century Fox to make poster for their movies. That's a very, very healthy backlog of awesome films. So at Comic-Con we saw posters for Predator and Aliens, and with Halloween around the corner, they're doing a new poster for Ridley Scott's Alien. It's by Randy Ortiz (who did some great recent poster for The Goonies, The Thing and more) and will first be available at 35mm screenings of the film this weekend in Austin, Texas. Check out full images below.
The Mondo Blog first announced this poster with the following images.
What I love about this image is, even though it's an iconic moment in the film, it takes a second to figure out exactly what you're looking at. It's like "I see the face hugger, and some hands...oh, and that's a helmet, I got it!"
It's 24 x 36, an edition of 275 and will first be on sale October 26-27 in Austin. Tickets here. Any remaining posters will likely go on sale the following week. Follow @MondoNews for more information.