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Cool Stuff: 'Star Wars: Frames' Book

We almost features Star Wars: Frames in Cool Stuff in 2008, but decided that the hand crafted six volume leather bound limited editions (1138 copies, with custom case and features that weighs over 160 lbs.) was too much to glorify at the price of $5500.00. LucasFilm is finally ready to release a cheaper version for fans to put in their collections.

After George Lucas finished work on Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, he wanted to look back on the Star Wars saga with an entirely new point of view: isolating stills, or frames, from each of the six Star Wars films, focusing on them intensely as works of photography and design, and reproducing them in a book. For two years Lucas went through more than 150,000 frames per film, editing more than 1 million frames down to the 1,416 images that now comprise Star Wars: Frames, a testament to the hard work, craftsmanship, and dedication evident in every frame of every film. Star Wars: Frames brings together Lucas's personal shot-by-shot selections into a lavishly designed two-volume hardcover set—one volume for the Original Trilogy and one volume for the Prequel Trilogy. For collectors and fans, Star Wars: Frames is the ultimate look on this grand project devoted to a cinematic phenomenon—and the ultimate Star Wars collector's tome.

Abrams Books will release Star Wars: Frames on October 29th. The package comes in the form of two 368-page hardcover books, enclosed in a deluxe slipcase. The books collect George Lucas's personal, shot-by-shot frame selections from both the Original Trilogy and the Prequel Trilogy of Star Wars films. The books feature 1,416 color illustrations and an original introduction by Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy, Pan's Labyrinth) and J. W. Rinzler. The set is priced to sell at $150, but Amazon has set the pre-order price at 40% off the cover price — just $90. So if you have a Star Wars fan in the family, act fast, this could be an awesome present. Or a present to yourself... hmmm yeah, you deserve a present right?

Check out some more photos of the set, after the jump.

George Lucas looking at Star Wars Frames booksStar Wars: Frames BookStar Wars: Frames BookStar Wars: Frames BookStar Wars: Frames BookStar Wars: Frames BookStar Wars: Frames Book

Thanks to Danny DiGiovanni for the tip (I was going to write about this anyways but you reminded me to actually do it)