Errol Morris To Direct Thriller 'Holland, Michigan'
Briefly: Errol Morris is best known as a director of documentaries (The Thin Blue Line, The Fog of War, Mr. Death), though his efforts range from commercials to television, newspaper essays, and books. He's even released one dramatic feature, The Dark Wind, and has been working on another, Freezing People Is Easy.
Now Morris has lined up yet another non-doc feature, a thriller called Holland, Michigan. The "suburban thriller laced with black humor" was scripted by Andrew Sodroski, who hails from Boston and attended Harvard. This is his first script sale, but given that Morris has also long made his home in the Boston area, there could be prior working history between the two that hasn't been reported. We don't have many more details on the film, but those can wait. (And that description could so easily apply to Morris' last film, the doc Tabloid.) Any new feature from Morris, documentary or not, is automatically of interest. [Deadline]
After the break, as a bonus, watch Errol Morris and Wener Herzog talk about the doc The Act of Killing, for which they act as exec producers.