VOTD: 'Mad Max' Video Game Trailer

About time. Though a 1990 NES game brought ideas from The Road Warrior to Nintendo systems, and development has been teased over the years on a new Mad Max game, there hasn't been a proper revival of George Miller's post-apocalyptic series in gaming. Until now. (Fans had to make do with the Fallout and Borderlands games — which isn't bad, really.)

At E3 a new Max Max game was announced that will put players in the shoes of Max Rockatansky. Since this must be tied to the release of Miller's fourth film in the series, Mad Max: Fury Road, the game trailer below probably gives a good idea of what we can expect Tom Hardy to look like as Max. Not that we had much reason to doubt what he'd look like — it's a pretty simple character template.

The game hits in 2014. Here are some links to official sites:


Play as Mad Max, a lone warrior who must embark on a perilous journey after his Interceptor is stolen by a deadly gang of marauders. A reluctant hero with an instinct for survival, Max wants nothing more than to leave the madness behind and find solace in the storied "Plains of Silence".