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Superhero Bits: The Avengers, Wolverine, Superman, Dredd 3D, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Batman

What could make a man attack his roommate with a pair of Wolverine claws? Which superhero is the latest love interest of Superman? Has someone created a real life Helicarrier like in The Avengers? Are the Guardians of the Galaxy comic writers helping with the movie? Want to watch 60 seconds of Karl Urban kicking-ass in Dredd 3D? And have a desire to buy a lot of Batman merchandise? Read about all this and more in today's Superhero Bits.

Iron Man fan poster by Daniel Norris over on F Yeah.Jessica De Gouw will play The Huntress in Arrow, according to Entertainment Weekly.UniqueDaily posted this terrible photo of a terrible Batmobile limo.Comic Book Movie found a better translation of Joss Whedon's international Avengers 2 interview.

Movies.com has a new 60 second commercial for Dredd 3D.

A Utah man attacked his roommate with a pair of Wolverine claws after he found out the roommate was sleeping with his mother. Watch video at KSL.com via CBM.

Entertainment Weekly went straight comic book TMZ, blowing the doors off the new super couple – Superman and Wonder Woman.

Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.

YouTube user  (via Movies.com) created this real-life Helicarrier. Very cool stuff.

GeekAlerts have links to two different Spider-Man hoodies. One that has that face on it, while the other is a bit more webby.The Geek Twins discuss David Cronenberg's thoughts on superhero movies.

Seems like the most obvious mash-up ever: Darth Vader and Bane. Buy the shirt on Red Bubble via Fashionably Geek.

Unless it's from Superman (above), Wonder Woman usually gets no love. Maybe it's because her villains stink. IO9 has nine of them.

IGN posted this Avengers Blu-ray clip focusing on Captain America and Hulk.

Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the third page of Superhero Bits.

If you're into Batman and braclets, you can't do much better than this paracord bracelet from Etsy via Fashionably Geek.

Harseik on DeviantArt did a funny comic about Batman and Superman arguing about Call Me Maybe. Thanks to Geeks Are Sexy.

In case you ever wanted to dress up as Batgirl, head to Amazon via Geek Alerts.

Guardians of the Galaxy comic book writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning spoke to Comic Book Resources about the film adaptation which they aren't part of:

These are Marvel's characters, and they will develop them as they see fit. Like I said, it's a huge compliment to us that they're doing that, but I think it's only fair to say that we haven't really been consulted in any way, shape or form. We wrote this stuff essentially as work-for-hire, & if Marvel came to us and said, "Would you like to consult on the movie?" that would be lovely. But for now, our interpretation is there on the page.

Lots of Bat-merch today, including these pricey Batman cufflinks featured on Uncrate.