Sequel Bits: Anna Faris On 'Scary Movie 5', Tony Gilroy On 'Bourne Legacy', 'TRON: Uprising' Art, More 'Men In Black 3' Clips

Yep, Scary Movie 5 is happening, but will its stars return? Anna Faris isn't sure. Also after the jump:

  •  Sony unveils two more clips from Men in Black 3
  • Tony Gilroy talks balancing old and new in The Bourne Legacy
  •  Check out some concept art for TRON: Uprising
  • During a press conference at CinemaCon, Faris gave an ambiguous answer:

    I know that that's rumored that I'm involved, but I'm not, yet. I don't know if I will be. I love making those movies, though. I feel like each one was such an education. I mean, as ridiculous as they are, there's something incredibly difficult about playing a wonder-and-shock character. A character that dumb is truly a challenge in a completely different way.

    As Scary Movie 5 already has a release date of January 11, 2013 penciled in, we expect we'll hear more about casting soon enough. [Latino Review]

    Although Tony Gilroy has worked on all three previous Bourne films as a writer, this summer's The Bourne Legacy marks a fresh challenge for him. Not only will it be his first time directing an entry of the thriller franchise, it'll be the first Bourne film not to center around the title character. Film School Rejects sat down with the filmmaker to talk about the scope of the new film, the similarities and differences between Jason Bourne and new protagonist Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner), and more.

    Asked about the difficulty of maintaining a balance between bringing back elements of the old films and introducing new angles of his own, Gilroy responded:

    I've seen the genesis of the whole thing for 13 years with a pretty good seat. To make it live, we had to go wider and have a wider perspective. I guess it's well known now it's a much wider story and a much wider horizon, and that has a whole bunch of different demands. A part of the fun is playing on the lore of stuff that happened before. You have to make a movie people can see for the first time and not know what happened before, but you also want to payback people who have been paying attention along the way. I had the advantage of knowing what I think those things are.

    As for the comparisons between Bourne and Cross:

    Cousin programs, different skill sets, and different attitudes. I'm not going to get into it, but both have a need, a different need. That was the only reason I would jump on this, otherwise you're just knitting together an action movie, and that's not that big a deal. To do something as thematically strong as what we had before and have as much motivation... Why else would I put two years of my life into it if I didn't have something driving me? There's something really driving me here. He's certainly not the same guy; he doesn't have amnesia and is not trying to figure out who he is, he knows exactly who he is, but he has a big problem. This character has another problem, one that is hopefully just as fundamental and mythic.

    Read the rest of the interview here.

    With less than month to go until its release, Men in Black 3 is dropping clips left and right. Adding to the three scenes of the sci-fi sequel that hit earlier this week, we have two more snippets to show you. If none of the other clips or trailers so far have convinced you to go see this movie, I doubt these will do much to change your mind. They're not offensively awful, but they're not terribly exciting, either.

    The first shows Agent J (Will Smith) in what appears to be one of his earlier encounters with the '60s versions of Agents K (Josh Brolin, as a younger Tommy Lee Jones) and O (Alice Eve, as a younger Emma Thompson); the second is set in the present and sees J and K (the Jones version) employing the neuralyzer to wipe some memories.

    Men in Black 3 opens May 25. [via Coming Soon]

    If you dug the new trailer for Disney XD's TRON: Uprising that hit earlier this week, you can now check out some of the concept art behind it. The official TRON Facebook page has uploaded "attitude sheets" for three of its characters, including Beck (voiced by Elijah Wood), Zed (voiced by Nate Corddry), and General Tesler (voiced by Lance Henriksen).

    TRON: Uprising will premiere on Disney XD June 7, preceded by a special half-hour "prelude" titled TRON: Uprising, Beck's Beginning which will air on the Disney Channel May 18. [Stitch Kingdom]