Kevin Smith's Reality Show 'Comic Book Men' Starts February 12, Watch Two Previews Here

The initial news that Kevin Smith would be producing a reality show set in his New Jersey comic book shop almost seemed like a joke. Would people really be interested in the inner workings of a comic book shop? The channel behind Mad Men, Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead thinks so. AMC picked up the show, they've given it a new title, and plan on premiering it February 12 after The Walking Dead. It's now officially called Comic Book Men, which gives a hint as to the grown-up-nerd slant the show will likely take. Check out two promos after the jump.

Here are two short promos for the show, which will have a massive lead-in next month in The Walking Dead.

And the second:

As a fan of Smith, comic books and geek culture in general, I'm extremely excited for this show. But it was made for me. Do you think general audiences will dig this in a Pawn Stars type way?

Note: This was in Superhero Bits recently, but we've decided to feature it as well.

Source: @ThatKevinSmith