Superhero Bits: DC Universe Online, Dark Knight Rises, X-Men First Class 2, Man Of Steel

Would John Carpenter ever direct a superhero movie? Which company will be making toys for The Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel? Who trained Henry Cavill for Man of Steel? Want to see a new set video from The Dark Knight Rises? Which superhero did a high school principal show up to graduation as? How can you make Wolverine claws for $5? Read about all of this and more in today's Superhero Bits.

That's Unemployed Man, the unofficial superhero of Occupy Wall Street. Read more about him over on Wired.

Comic Book Movie ran a press release announcing that Warner Bros. and DC have extended their deal with Mattel which includes toys for The Dark Knight Rises and Man of Steel.Geeks Are Sexy readers submitted their best pop culture themed costumes which, of course, included a bunch of superheroes. Here's a cool one of the full X-Men team.

That's a great Marvel team photo, and here's a great DC team photo. /Film reader Sam R dressed as Superman and the rest of his friends were the Justice League and their villains. Very impressive.

Speaking of DC, DC Universe Online is now FREE. In a limited capacity. Superhero Hype has the scoop.

This is from several months ago but, for some reason, it's just reaching my radar. It's a Taiwanese high school principal making an incredibly huge entrance at graduation. Thanks to Bleeding Cool.

One day, maybe, we might see a John Carpenter superhero movie. pointed out a quote from Carpenter on that he's no opposed to doing one and, in fact, was approached some decades ago:

Way back in the '70s, I was approached to talk about the story I'd write for a Spider-Man movie. They also talked to me about Batman. I had to think about it, but that was way, way back when. I've gone through various periods with superheroes. They work in the right hands, but they don't work in other hands. It's tricky. But any movie is tricky. It's impossible to say, 'This is what you do in any situation.' So yes, I've thought about it and I'm not opposed to it.

Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.

Jason Flemyng, who played Azrael in X-Men First Class, sat down with Empire Online (above) to do a Twitter chat and discussed the possibility of a sequel:

I'd love to do a sequel. We shot enough fight sequences to do an Azazel fight movie. But I don't think that's going to happen. The film had to take $350 million worldwide to merit a sequel. It took $356 million, so watch this space...

Add another name to your art radar: Greg Guillemin. Geekologie (via DesignTAXI) posted a bunch of his superhero poster work that's unique and eye catching to say the least.

The upcoming issue of Men's Health Magazine will have an interview with Henry Cavill about his intense training for Man of Steel. He worked with the same guy who trained Gerald Butler for 300. Head to CBM for some quotes.

Check out this Peter Parkour t-shirt courtesy of Busted Tees.

From GQ: "Whatever you do, don't ask Cillian Murphy about The Dark Knight Rises. 'I don't have anything to say,' dodges the Batman and Inception star, a slight smirk visible between sips of sparkling water. "I'm here to talk about In Time." CBM correctly surmises that, if he wasn't in the movie, he's just say so instead of being coy. Possible Scarecrow cameo?

It's a bit late for Halloween costume tips for Fashionably Geek points us to directions on how to make these Wolverine claws for $5.


Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the third page of Superhero Bits.

Want to see more videos from the set of The Dark Knight Rises? Of course you do! Here's one courtesy of (via CBM). There's also another at the link.

Finally, The Dark Knight Community on Facebook (via io9) have posted these rumored blueprints of Bane's doomsday device from The Dark Knight Rises that was posted a few days back. Interesting stuff.