Watch A Girl Disintegrate Before Your Very Eyes In 'The Darkest Hour' Motion Poster
Probably the most intriguing aspect of the Timur Bekmambetov-produced alien invasion flick The Darkest Hour is the film's unique take on aliens. Unlike your typical movie ET, these otherwordly baddies take the form of "lethal wave energy" that renders them invisible, and therefore extra dangerous, most of the time. And when they do catch up with their prey, their unusual makeup also allows them to kill off the human protagonists in creative and nifty-looking ways. These aliens aren't content to just maim or kill — any creature with the misfortune to fall into their path disintegrates completely.
Sound cool? The marketing team behind the movie thinks so, too, as indicated by their choice to feature an alien attack as the focus of the motion poster. Directed by Chris Gorak, The Darkest Hour stars Emile Hirsch, Max Minghella, Olivia Thirlby, and Rachael Taylor as a group of friends who find themselves stranded in Moscow after a crushing alien attack. Check out the motion poster after the jump.
[via Cinema Blend]
Plot-wise, The Darkest Hour doesn't sound like anything special. But as with all of the other video and images we've seen, the poster seems to promise that regardless of whether the story or characters are any good, we can at least expect the special effects to look cool. Which is more than you can say for a lot of sci-fi actioners, really. Gorak has already demonstrated his knack for eye-popping visuals as the art director for Fight Club and Minority Report, and it appears he'll be bringing those same talents to the director's chair. To get an even better idea of what The Darkest Hour will look like, be sure to check out our previous posts on the trailer and concept art.
The Darkest Hour hits theaters in 3-D December 23, 2011.