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VOTD: John Carpenter's Video Introduction To 'They Live'

Twice this week we've offered up VOTDs sourced from the Alamo Drafthouse, but how can we not highlight some great movie-related clips? The 'Angry Caller' anti-texting PSA we showed you on Monday really exploded over the internet in the past few days, to the point where Anderson Cooper featured it on his show, calling Drafthouse founder Tim League a great American hero, and nominating him for the Nobel Peace Price. Brilliant stuff.

This one is a little more down to Earth, but still very cool. It is John Carpenter's video introduction to They Live, which is playing tonight at a special screening at the Drafthouse. The show is sold out, in part because the movie will be introduced by artist Shepherd Fairey, who will also debut a new They Live poster at the screening. Those who can't attend, however, can enjoy Mr. Carpenter's introduction to the film. That, along with a tease of the new poster for They Live, is after the break.

You'll notice that, when John Carpenter holds up the new art for They Live, it is blurred out. You can see it in full later today, when it debuts online. If you're not at the show, keep in mind that some few copies of the poster will go on sale online Friday, and probably be snapped up in a few seconds flat. Here's a peek at the creation of the poster:

If this isn't enough They Live for you, check out Jonathan Lethem's brilliant first book in the Deep Focus series of new literary film criticism. He takes on They Live, and his appraisal is funny, honest, and insightful.
