Page 2: Black Swan, The Hobbit, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Vertigo, Almost Famous, LeVar Burton, Indiana Jones, The Lion King, Star Wars
What is Page 2? Page 2 is a compilation of stories and news tidbits, which for whatever reason, didn't make the front page of /Film. After the jump we've included 28 different items, fun images, videos, casting tidbits, articles of interest and more. It's like a mystery grab bag of movie web related goodness. If you have any interesting items that we might've missed that you think should go in /Film's Page 2 – email us!
/Film reader Jeff Lienenveber has created some minimalistic posters for the 2011 Best Picture nominees, including Black Swan and The King's Speech.
Jinx has a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-parody t-shirt design titled "Cowabunga". Available for $17.99-$19.99.
Jesse Eisenberg says he would love to make a guest appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man, alongside The Social Network co-star Andrew Garfield. [metro]
After leaving her out of a list of black actors who have won an Academy Award, Whoopi Goldberg reminds the New York Times that she won an Oscar. [popeater]
Blastr lists 14 unsettling examples of horror-villain movie makeup.
Tron: Legacy cat is ready to enter the grid. [myconfined]
Mrs. Mac has created this awesome 9-inch round LEGO Indiana Jones/Star Wars cake. [likecool]
Hollywood Chicago interviews Tommy Wiseau, director of The Room.
Check out the trailer to Horrid Henry – The Movie 3D starring Theo Stevenson.
How Did He Win That Girl Over? LatinoReview's Melissa Molina lists "Top Five Worst Romantic Male Leads"
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a FEW pages. Click the link above to continue the second page of Page 2.
KinoGallery has a new poster for The Conspirator.
[No photo]
TrekMovie has some photos from LeVar Burton's guest star appearance on Community.Joanne Siegel, the widow of Superman co-creator Joe Siegel, died on Monday at age 93. [bleedingcool]
Fans recreate Transformers using their hands and the mirror feature on their webcam. [buzzfeed]
Check out Thomas Kovach's posters for Inception and Lost. His work kinda looks kind of like Hellboy artist Mike Mignola. See more of his artwork here. Thanks to /Film reader John S for the tip.
An official casting call for Elves in the upcoming The Hobbit films has been posted at TORN.
/Film reader Jeff Yorkes has mashed up Cameron Crowe's Almost Famous with "Cover of The Rolling Stone" by Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show.
Threadless has released a new zombie t-shirt titled "Zombie Shadows".
Pixar artist and LEGO fanatic Angus MacLane has created a LEGO chibi Lego dropship from Aliens. [flickr]
GeekTyrant has a first look at photos from the independent horror film Nerd of the Living Dead.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a FEW pages. Click the link above to continue the third and final page of Page 2.
Someone in Brooklyn, New York built a Castle Grayskull from Masters of the Universe out of snow. [geekologie]
Last Exit To Nowhere is selling Gerties Sandwiches t-shirts from the movie Paul.
This is what a steampunk version of Boba Fett might look like. [rampagedreality]
Michael Kennedy created this sweet poster for Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo. [reelizer]Dan Wright performs a one-man a cappella of "I Wanna Be Like You" from The Jungle Book. [disneyblog]The Autumn Society's Bobby O'Herlihy has created a poster for Army of Darkness.
Want to see ILM's Darren Aronofsky Q&A Speaker Series events online! >About ILM>Speaker Series. Enjoy! [Firstshowing]
Reddit user U731lvr posted this photo of "A very nerdy friendship that has spanned over a decade, multiple movies, a cult TV show and a race on Top Gear. Is it wrong to envy?"