The Walking Dead: Second Season Seemingly Confirmed, Black And White Version On DVD?
One of the bigger hits at Comic Con this year was AMC's six-episode TV series The Walking Dead, which premiered footage from the Frank Darabont-directed pilot to very enthusiastic viewers. (Read Devindra's coverage here.) Given how high interest seems to be prior to the show's debut, there have already been questions about a second season and plans for the project's release on DVD. Now a couple of small things suggest a second season will happen, and that the DVD release of the first season could contain a more old-school version of the show.
TVOvermind caught a tidbit in a contest entry that suggests a second season is in the cards, as the contest offers winners the chance to "win a four-day, three-night trip to the location of The Walking Dead's Season 2 production, plus the opportunity to become one of the undead in a Season 2 episode of The Walking Dead."
Taking this as an unbreakable promise that a second season is happening is too optimistic — if the show arrives this fall and tanks, a follow-up season might easily be scratched. But it can be taken as an indication that AMC is already planning in some form for a second set of episodes.
Perhaps more interesting is that the DVD release of the first season may replicate the black and white aesthetic of the original comic book series by presenting episodes in black and white in addition to the broadcast versions, which will be in color. That's an unusual move, but not totally surprising, given that Frank Darabont is one of the movers behind the series. His last film, The Mist, was offered in black and white on DVD as well.
That info comes from UGO, which quotes producer Gale Anne Hurd saying the show was shot on Super 16 film (that's fairly cool) but says that B&W versions are "hinted at" for the DVD. A quote about the B&W isn't offered by the site, though, so don't get too excited for that just yet.